While some people choose in-office Zoom!® tooth whitening, others opt for the at-home convenience of at-home tooth whitening gels to enhance their teeth’s shiny, white appearance. While using an at-home tooth whitening system for just a week will give you noticeably whiter teeth—an average of five shades lighter—you need to use it properly to avoid severe tooth sensitivity and achieve the desired results.
You may also use whitening gel at home if you have had in-office Zoom! Teeth Whitening; after in-office whitening, we provide you with custom trays for touching up your teeth if you notice they are not as bright as you’d like. You can use the trays for several days every four to six months. (We provide one tube of touch-up gel, and you may purchase additional gel at our office.)
If you have any questions, or would like to make an appointment, call our professional dental team at (336) 288-4499.